Saturday, January 16, 2021

Pieced fleece blanket - pink

 Not sure if this really counts as a quilt or not, because it's missing the inner layer, but it shares enough qualities with these (Leah's, Bobbi's, Owen's) that I think it works. The front layer is pieced, and it's plenty warm because of the double layers, but it's not quilted at all. (Also see Isaiah's "quilt" - exactly the same concept.)

The kids' 4H group was making tie blankets for a women's shelter with donated fleece. We dug through my old fleece scraps (many of which were already cut and ready to go) and paired them with a piece of fleece we'd been given by Krassi and Reuben's school para when she was cleaning out her basement, and voila!

The pattern is totally random on purpose (saves time), and was unified simply by limiting the color palette to whatever reds, pinks, and purples I had ready to go. Funny - you can see where I started piecing the rows before I decided to also include the 4-square squares. The decision to include the smaller ones was largely so I would have enough material, but I think it really makes the blanket! Happy accident.

Rinnah helped me a bit with the piecing of this one, and Evania also contributed a tiny bit to the work.

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