Saturday, March 31, 2018

Caleb's quilt

My helper - Krassimir was thrilled when I let him hold the finished quilt after having to tell him not to touch it while I was finishing the pin-infested border.
Of all of our college friends that we made "first baby" quilts for, one of those couples made it clear how much they loved the quilt, so when they had their second child, we made her one, too.

We never guessed going into it that they would have seven children! And it's become kind of a thing for us to make a "Glewwe Quilt" for each one of their new babies, and their tradition is that the child gets to have their Glewwe quilt when they're old enough to graduate from their crib to a big-kid bed. And this is a good thing, because it means we have enough time to actually get the quilt done between nine months of pregnancy and a good year plus after birth before it needs to be ready. ;) So this poor, simple quilt has been quite a while in the making, but we're just a little past Caleb's first birthday, so once again, we'll have it to them in time for his rite of passage!

Another basic 10x14 grid of 4" pre-cut denim squares, hand tied with yarn, polyester batting and fleece backing.

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