Sunday, April 25, 2010

Frank Lloyd Wright wall hanging

This wall hanging hung half-finished on the wall of my sewing room for years before I had the time to complete it. It was fun when we designed our addition to choose a place where this piece could belong. The quilt itself was inspired by a book my parents gave me for my birthday when I was in high school. It was also the inspiration for the little wall quilt I made for my grandma after she saw this one partially completed.

I don't remember exactly when I finished it, but it was after Reuben was born in 2009 and before Rinnah was born in 2011.

This was machine pieced (a challenge with the 1/4" finished size strips!), and machine quilted onto a fusible batting.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leah's quilt

Leah's quilt was actually started after Reuben's quilt, as the tri-color one I'd started for her (after setting the pattern for the yellow, green, and indigo with the baby quilt Matt and I made for our first who ended up being Owen, I started one like that for Leah, but didn't finish it until after Reuben was born, so I decided to give the solid one to Reuben and add a bit of pattern and a fourth color (pink!) to the quilt for my little girlie!) Hers was finished in March of 2010 when she turned 3 years old.

I really enjoyed digging through my stash of left over fabrics, and pulling out some of my favorites. Some of the fabrics in her quilt are remnants of little dresses I'd made for her or for Kaitlin, or have other special memories associated with them.

This quilt is also noteworthy as the first time I pieced fabrics for the back of the quilt in a not-meant-to-be-unnoticeable way. I only had so much of the purple kitty paw print fabric that I wanted to use for the backing left, so I finished it out with a square of the lighter lavender-blue that I'd used for the sashing on the front.

The batting in this one is 100% cotton low-loft batting - my favorite for machine quilting because it is not bulky, and I also like the way it washes in, giving the quilt a cozy, hearty feeling.